

  • 地址:湖北枝江市白洋镇沿江街一号
  • 电话:0717-4400029
  • 传真:0717-4402299
  • 网址:http://www.xiajiang.com.cn/index.php

湖北枝江峡江矿山机械有限责任公司位于世界著名水电之都——宜昌市东郊30公里长江之滨,公司背靠长江,北靠沪蓉高速汉宜段,西有三峡国际机场,东有焦柳铁路,南有国道318横贯公司,交通四通八达,世界著名的水利枢纽工程——长江三峡水电站大坝距公司仅有七十公里。 本公司始建于一九五二年,是在原“宜昌峡江矿山机械厂”改制组建而成,是一家专门从事矿山机械制造、起重机械生产及销售的专业厂家,为国家重型机械工业协会破碎粉磨分会理事单位。本公司现注册资金叁仟万元,流动资金伍仟万元整。 公司拥有员工300人,其中管理人员50人,各类专业技术人员40余人,其中高级工程师3人,电气工程师10人,机械工程师20人。具备独立设计、开发、生产各类碎石、筛分、给料、输送矿山机械及B级起重设备的能力。 本公司占地88000平方米,其中厂房50000平方米,并拥有多台大型数控车床、立车、镗床、磨床等,具有雄厚的加工生产能力。具备现代化自动焊接机、数控气割下料机和100吨级起吊设备共120台套,并配有完善的铸钢、铸铁、高铬、高锰、多元合金铸造。特别是高铬合金已达国内先进水平。公司严格执行ISO9001-2008质量体系要求,各车间工种分工明确,实现了规模化、系统化的生产,从而保证了产品的质量及技术要求。 我公司生产的系列碎石制砂生产线、系列颚式破碎机、系列反击式破碎机、系列振动筛,连续三届(2006-2015年)被湖北省评为“湖北省名牌产品”。其商标“江峡”被省人民政府和省工商局评为“著名商标”。2007年被国家中轻产品质量保障中心评为“产品质量监督抽查合格企业”,还多次被省消费者委员会评为“消费者满意商品”称号。生产的起重机械也受到用户的一致好评,并被列为湖北省西部重点扶持项目。 我公司始终坚持以科技发展为先导、质量求生存的宗旨,愿为广大新老客户提供优质的服务。 Hubei Zhijiang Xiajiang Mining Machinery Co., Ltd. is located 30 kilometers to the east of Yangtze River in Yichang which is the famous hydroelectric power city in the world. Our company backed by the Yangtze River, with Shanghai-Chengdu expressway in the north, Three Gorges International Airport in the west, JiaoLiu railway in the east, and the State Road 318 in the south, that could provides a convenient transport to you. Even the world famous hydraulic project------the Three Gorges Dam is only 70 kilometers from our company. Our company was built in 1952, and then is restructured on the basis of “Yichang Xiajiang Mining Machinery Factory.” It’s a production of mining machinery and lifting equipment manufacturer mainly specializing in the production; also it’s the crushing and grinding branch of the director unit of the National Heavy Machinery Industry Association. Our company has registered capital of 30000000yuan, and the liquidity of 50000000yuan. We have 300 employees, of which 50 were engaged in management, more than 40 were technicians, 3 senior engineers, 10 electrical engineers and 20 mechanical engineers. They are skilled in independent designing, developing and producing all kinds of mining machinery which are applied to gravel, screening, feeding and transportation. etc. Our company covers an area of 88000 square meters, including 50000 square meters of factory buildings, and we strictly carries out the ISO9001-2008 quality system requirements, realized the scale, systematic production, and ensured the quality and technical requirements. Relying on advanced machining equipment and solid technical strength ,those carvel and sand production line, jaw crusher series, impact crusher series and vibrating screen series produced by our company were the third times awarded as “Famous brand product in Hubei province” in 2006-2015, its trademark “JiangXia” were rated as “famous brand” by provincial people’s government and the provincial industrial bureau, it is also evaluated the “Customer satisfaction products”title by provincial consumers’ committee for many times. And the lifting machinery receives the user’s high praise, so listed in “western Hubei province key support project.” “Technology as the guide, quality for existence” is our foundation. We are willing to provide high quality service for all new and old customers.
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